What does Amenhotep's name mean?
This is a cartouche of one of the Amenhoteps (Amenhotep I, II, III, IV - Akhenaton). These kings ruled during the New Kingdom. The cartouche contains their birth name (nomen) which was introducted by "son of Re" (sa ra) title.
it is transliterated: imn htp
translation: Amun is content
imn - Amun (god) (i and n uniliterals, mn - biliteral, n is phonetic complement of mn)
htp - content, pleased (htp - triliteral, t and p uniliterals)
More about the kings:
- Amenhotep I, the Second King of Egypt's 18th Dynasty
- Amenhotep II, 7th Pharaoh of Egypt's 18th Dynasty
- Amenhotep III, the Ninth King of Egypt's 18th Dynasty
- Amenhotep IV, Akhenaten