05 October 2006

Gardiner's Sign List

"English Egyptologist, Sir Alan Gardiner, compiled a list of 700 seperate signs used in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. His book "Egyptian Grammar", and this list has become the standard in Egyptology. Both are an absolute "must" for any serious study of ancient Egyptian writing."


SIGN LIST for download:


(4 .gif files, low and high quality)


Categories in the list:


 1  A Man and his occupations. A1-A56, (+A59 Man w/Club).
 2  B Woman and her occupations. B1-B7. [also B8-B12; see hieroglyphs.]
 3  C Anthropomorphic deities. C1-C20.
 4  D Parts of the human body. D1-D63.
 5  E Mammals. E1-E34. Ox -Rabbit.
 6  F Parts of Mammals. F1-F52.
 7  G Birds. G1-G54.
 8  H Parts of Birds. H1-H8.
 9  I Amphibious animals, reptiles, etc. I1-I15
10  K Fishes and parts of fishes. K1-K7.
11  L Invertebrata and lesser animals. L1-L7.
12  M Trees and plants. M1-M44.
13  N Sky, earth, water. N1-N43.
14  O Buildings, parts of building, etc. O1-O51.
15  P Ships and parts of ships. P1-P11.
16  Q Domestic and funerary furniture. Q1-Q7.
17  R Temple furniture and sacred emblems. R1-R25.
18  S Crowns, dress, staves, etc. S1-S45.
19  T Warfare, hunting, butchery. T1-T35.
20  U Agriculture, crafts, and professions. U1-U41.
21  V Rope, fibre, baskets, bags, etc. V1-V38.
22  W Vessels of stone and earthenware. W1-W25.
23  X Loaves and cakes. X1-X8.
24  Y Writings, games, music. Y1-Y8.
25  Z Strokes, signs derived from hieratic geometrical fiqures. Z1-Z11.
26  Aa Unclassified. Aa1-Aa31. (Aa32 is also in Warfare.)


Jim Loy Egyptology pages - Gardiner's Sign List:


04 October 2006

Hieroglyphic Texts in MdC Format

Collection of texts in the Manuel de codage format on Serge Rosmorduc's website:


(many have also GIF, JPG, PDF version, and translation in French)


Files containing Manuel de codage have .hie extension which is read by most hieroglyphic text editors (like JSesh, TkSesh).



Texts include:


- Louvre C14 stela

- The Shipwrecked Sailor

- the Coffin Text 160

- A papyrus from Gurob

- Un graffiti du Wadi Hammamat

- The wisdom of Amenemope

- Year two stela of Sethnakht in Elephantine

- The teaching of Kagemni (or Gemnika, ...)

- Antef Stela (Louvre C26)

- The "Lebensmüde" (or dispute between a man and his Ba)

- Stela of 400 Years

- Inení's texts

- Iykhernofret stela

- The two brothers

- The Doomed Prince

- Unnamon's travels

- Horus and Seth

- The tales of papyrus Westcar

03 October 2006

New JSesh Version - 2.3.2

New JSesh version has been released.

("The JSesh Project : a free Hieroglyphic editor and Java library for processing Egyptian Hieroglyphs.")

2/10/2006 : version 2.3.2 : Improvement in text layout, bug fixes, updated documentation.

Download link: http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/jsesh/J...

More info: http://www.iut.univ-paris8.fr/~rosmord/JSesh/

New OpenGlyph version 1.1 Beta

J. A. G. Sanchez:

I've removed the next "problematic" (for copyright reasons) texts in
the OpenGlyph's distribution:

-Faulkner dictionary
-Amduat texts

Also i've removed a bug with the texts' tree (when you expand/close a
section don't throws an error alert)



You can download the last version in "Files" section at: