20 June 2006

More websites on learning hieroglyphs

AEL - Learning Ancient Egyptian (http://www.rostau.org.uk/Aegyptian-L/index.html)

Learn to read hieroglyphs! : Introductory lessons in middle Egyptian.

Exercises for beginners : Some interesting and fun exercises.

Fun with hieroglyphs : Identify these signs! Puzzling exercises by Geoffrey Graham, Yale University.

Gardiner Exercises : Hints and tips for studying from Alan Gardiner's Egyptian Grammar. [Compiled by Michael Dyall-Smith]

Learning hieratic : The cursive script that scribes commonly used. [Stephen Fryer's web site]

Beginning Coptic : The last phase of egyptian language; and it is still spoken today! [by Geoffrey Graham,Yale Uni.]

Reference : More useful reference material for working with Ancient Egyptian

Ancient Hieroglyphs

The ancient Egyptian picture (?) language

Hieroglyphs for kids:

18 June 2006

Dictionaries on the web

Very nice dictionary for Ancient Egyptian language can be found on Hieroglyphs.net website.
There is a search box for english, transliteration and Gardiner code:

Jim Loy's Egyptian
and Egyptology Page has
"My Egyptian Hieroglyphic

The Beinlich wordlist, An Internet-searchable database by Nigel Strudwick (in german)
(the whole dictionary can be downloaded as a .txt file (and opened in MS Word or something like that):

12 June 2006


Serge Rosmorduc's software for typing hieroglyphs is very useful (and free!). JSesh, word processor, uses Java and here you'll find the new version (for Mac and Win):

I have Java installed but can't open it :(, so I use TKsesh:

Another free and interesting program is Luca Brigatti's HieroWord:
It is not a text processor but a very useful dictionary. It uses more than 800 hieroglyphs (from Gardiner's Sign list). You can add words yourself or use some of the dictionaries which are also available for download on his website.

He made a program called Hieroglyphs too, a flashcard that shows only signs (not words) - but it's also useful!
See the link above.

MacScribe, a professional hieroglyphic text processor only works on Macintosh.
http://www.macscribe.com/ (in French)
Costs ~ $250

HieroNote - Type in Hieroglyphs, try the demo version (2.84MB):
Free to try; $19.95 to buy

GlyphTutor is a program for memorizing the phonetic values of the most common signs.
Free to try (3 MB)

That's what I've found for now. If someone can think of any other good program, or has experience with some, please tell us.

If you want to see how your name look in the cartouche see this link.

... my full name :)

Dating Inscriptions (II)

In few older words ...


... is used for


is first interchanging with S and later (sometimes) with x



05 June 2006

Dating inscriptions

Each stage of ancient Egyptian introduced changes and by knowing its grammar one can easily determine which form of the language he's reading, and thus the historical period in which the text was written.

Few tips for beginners:

- sound w is alternately written by its hieratic form (see below).
This is the original one.

w (later form)

m (original)

m (later)

n (original)

n (later)

Will be continued in the next post...